
Prepare your hospital bag for baby's arrival

baby hospital bag

Prepare your hospital bag for baby's arrival

Feel free to use our checklist made by moms for moms

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Post Partum Depression VS Baby Blues

Post Partum Depression VS Baby Blues

Postpartum depression is a common and serious condition that can affect new mothers after giving birth. It's important to recognize the signs and seek help if you or someone you know is experiencing postpartum depression

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Au secours, bébé fait ses dents

Au secours, bébé fait ses dents

Au secours, bébé fait ses dents

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Congratulations, you've made it through the pregnancy!

Congratulations, you've made it through the pregnancy!

Pop the champagne...or maybe not yet Baby is TEETHING Congratulations, you've made it through the pregnancy! The next few months are a crucial time for your baby's development. Teething is one of the many milestones your baby will achieve in these early months.While teething can be painful for your little one, there are ways to help alleviate their discomfort. By understanding what to expect and being prepared, you can help your baby through this milestone.What is teething?Teething is the process whereby an infant's first teeth erupt through the gums. This usually occurs around 6 months of age, but can vary...

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Ready, Set, Prepare all the food...

Ready, Set, Prepare all the food...

Ready. Set. Prepare. All the food. And you thought it would be easier than that, didn't you? Ha! I have told you before that babies are little creatures of habit, and so having a routine when it comes to preparing the food is always a good idea. Well, if your baby likes to eat, I mean really likes to eat — like mines always have, since they were born — you will be busy and tired every day, but with a bit of organization, everything becomes easy-peasy. The first step is to prepare all the food you need for the...

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